humble beginnings

Back in the summer of 2020, I ingested a bit too much caffeinated passionfruit tea for my pregnant self and found myself wide-eyed and bushy-tailed at 2:30am. After a couple hours of trying to return to sleep without success, I started to pray and unexpectedly found myself in some of the sweetest fellowship I have had with God in a while. I started pondering the story of the Bible, how Jesus really entered into this world and lived on it for 33 years, how He really died on the cross, how He really rose from the dead, and how He really changed everything for those who would trust in Him. I started recounting my daughter’s life, remembering my tumultuous pregnancy with her, her birth, her complicated first year, her big surgeries, and the relatively normal and thriving life she now has. I was so overcome with His tangible, sustaining grace throughout every season of our lives.

Something else I prayed about was whether or not God wanted me to really pursue this little itch of a dream I've had - to grow an Instagram account with hand-lettered Scripture and other truths, and to incorporate some of my writing into the captions. I had started up this Instagram and Etsy shop a few months ago but nothing came of it - I honestly struggled with whether or not I was just trying to grasp for meaning and significance in the midst of struggling to find a deep sense of purpose being a primarily stay-at-home mom. But I felt the Lord impressing on my heart that pursuing this would accomplish two big needs I have been seeing - for me to learn to dwell and meditate more deeply on Scripture, and for this world to have more messages of hope and truth in the midst of these confusing and tumultuous times. The name of this account started as "By Way of Reminder" and it comes from 2 Peter 1:13, in which Peter writes, "I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of reminder." A few months later, its name was changed to “Reminders of Grace.” Peter recognized how much we as forgetful people need to be stirred up to remember God’s precious promises, and it's my hope that these Scriptures and writings can stir us up to be reminded of the glorious truth that we have in Christ, every day, every moment.


reflections on 2021